10 Juli 2012


Mauliana Budiastuti, Dyah Priyatini

Long-term heavy alcohol consumption is the cause of a nonischemic, dilated cardiomyopathy, herein referred to as alcoholic cardiomyopathy (ACM). ACM is a specific heart muscle disease of a known cause that occurs in two stages: an asymptomatic stage and a symptomatic stage. In general, alcoholic patients consuming > 90 g of alcohol a day (approximately seven to eight standard drinks per day) for > 5 years are at risk for the development of asymptomatic ACM. Those who continue to drink may become symptomatic and develop signs and symptoms of heart failure. ACM is characterized by an increase in myocardial mass, dilation of the ventricles, and wall thinning. The pathophysiology of ACM is complex and may involve cell death (possibly due to apoptosis) and changes in many aspects of myocyte function. Alcohol abstinence, as well as the use of specific heart failure pharmacotherapies, is critical in improving ventricular function and outcomes in ACM.

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