18 Juli 2008
Suksesi PASKAL
Mendahoeloei Pilkada Djatim, seboeah pagoejoeban assisten sekolah jantoeng di Soerabaja (PASKAL) mengadakan pemindahan kekoeasaan dari pedjabat lama jang dipimpin oleh dr. Tanto B kepada pedjabat baroe dr. Andrianto tertanggal 17 Djuli 2008. Allhamdoelillah, berkat rachmat Allah SWT, pergantian kekoeasaan ini dapat terselenggara dengan maxx ndjuzzz. Kepada pedjabat yang telah digantikan (dr. Tanto dan djadjarandja) admin AKUblog (Arek Kardio Unair blog) menghatoerkan banjak terima kasih atas segala soembangsih dan djerihpadjahnja dalam membesarkan PASKAL. Dan kepada pedjabat yang baroe, admin AKUblog mengudjapkan selamat bertoegas semoga PASKAL semakin djaja...MUUUEEERRRRDDDDEEEKKKAAA !!!
Sejarah Kardiologi di Surabaya
Tak Kenal maka Tak Sayanx, demikian kata ortu-ortu kita. Makanya bagi Arek Kardio Unair kudu ngerti biar cuman secuil tentang Sejarah Kardiologi di Surabaya. Biar kagak ruwet silakan download "Sejarah Kardiologi di Surabaya" di: http://rapidshare.com/files/130799340/Sejarah_Kardiologi_di_Surabaya.ppt.html
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Kalo bad link, tolong kasih tau saya trims
( update on January 2007 )silakan download di :http://rapidshare.com/files/130798329/DATA_PPDS_I_BAGIAN_KARDIOLOGI.doc.html
*yg tulisan warna merah artinya udah ALUMNI
Bila ada update terbaru pLeazz contact/sent me an E-mail + attach., thx bro...
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( update on January 2007 )silakan download di :http://rapidshare.com/files/130798329/DATA_PPDS_I_BAGIAN_KARDIOLOGI.doc.html
*yg tulisan warna merah artinya udah ALUMNI
Bila ada update terbaru pLeazz contact/sent me an E-mail + attach., thx bro...
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Rio Herdyanto
Penatalaksanaan penderita gagal jantung tahap akhir yang refrakter terhadap terapi telah berubah sejak ditemukannya terapi resinkronisasi jantung (Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy - CRT). CRT menjadi pilihan terapi penderita gagal jantung tahap akhir yang refrakter terhadap pengobatan.1 Hal ini dikarenakan CRT terbukti dapat memperbaiki status fungsional dan mengurangi mortalitas dan morbiditas penderita gagal jantung.3 Dalam ESC Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Chonic Heart Failure 2005, CRT dapat diberikan pada penderita dengan fraksi ejeksi yang rendah disertai disinkroni ventrikular (kompleks QRS ≥120 ms) dan masih tetap simptomatik setelah mendapat terapi medikamentosa optimal untuk memperbaiki gejala
Naskah lengkap disini
Slide download di :http://rapidshare.com/files/130670404 CARDIAC_RESYNCHRONIZATION_THERAPY.ppt.html
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Penatalaksanaan penderita gagal jantung tahap akhir yang refrakter terhadap terapi telah berubah sejak ditemukannya terapi resinkronisasi jantung (Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy - CRT). CRT menjadi pilihan terapi penderita gagal jantung tahap akhir yang refrakter terhadap pengobatan.1 Hal ini dikarenakan CRT terbukti dapat memperbaiki status fungsional dan mengurangi mortalitas dan morbiditas penderita gagal jantung.3 Dalam ESC Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Chonic Heart Failure 2005, CRT dapat diberikan pada penderita dengan fraksi ejeksi yang rendah disertai disinkroni ventrikular (kompleks QRS ≥120 ms) dan masih tetap simptomatik setelah mendapat terapi medikamentosa optimal untuk memperbaiki gejala
Naskah lengkap disini
Slide download di :http://rapidshare.com/files/130670404 CARDIAC_RESYNCHRONIZATION_THERAPY.ppt.html
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Obat – obatan yang mengoptimalkan cardiac output dan tekanan darah
Mekanisme kerja
Epinefrin HCl mempunyai reseptor dan adrenergic , terutama reseptor akan meningkatkan aliran darah ke miokardium dan otak selama RJP, sedang reseptor mempunyai efek yang kotroversi seperti meningkatkan kerja miokardium dan mengurangi perfusi subendokardium.
Cardiac arrest
1 mg ( 10 ml dari 1 : 10.000 ) iv bolus, setiap 3 – 5 menit, di flush 20 ml cairan iv, dapat dilanjutkan dengan continous infusion : 1 mg epinefrin HCl + 250 ml NaCl atau D5W, diberikan mulai 1 / menit, dinaikkan 3 – 4 / menit.
Non cardiac arrest
1 mg ( 1 ml dari 1 : 1.000 ) + 500 ml NaCl atau D5W, diberikan mulai 1 / menit, dinaikkan 2 – 10 / menit, sampai ada respon.
naskah lengkap silakan download di:http://rapidshare.com/files/130796212/Obat_acls.doc.html
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Mekanisme kerja
Epinefrin HCl mempunyai reseptor dan adrenergic , terutama reseptor akan meningkatkan aliran darah ke miokardium dan otak selama RJP, sedang reseptor mempunyai efek yang kotroversi seperti meningkatkan kerja miokardium dan mengurangi perfusi subendokardium.
Cardiac arrest
1 mg ( 10 ml dari 1 : 10.000 ) iv bolus, setiap 3 – 5 menit, di flush 20 ml cairan iv, dapat dilanjutkan dengan continous infusion : 1 mg epinefrin HCl + 250 ml NaCl atau D5W, diberikan mulai 1 / menit, dinaikkan 3 – 4 / menit.
Non cardiac arrest
1 mg ( 1 ml dari 1 : 1.000 ) + 500 ml NaCl atau D5W, diberikan mulai 1 / menit, dinaikkan 2 – 10 / menit, sampai ada respon.
naskah lengkap silakan download di:http://rapidshare.com/files/130796212/Obat_acls.doc.html
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Tips for Cardiac Auscultation
1 - The First Heart Sound corresponds to the carotid pulse. Its identification is the first
important step of cardiac auscultation.
2 - The Second Heart Sound must be analyzed with the diaphragm of the stethoscope at the pulmonary area where the two components of this sound are best identified. Points to note are its variations with different phases of respiration and splitting.
3 - The Third Heart Sound is usually best heard at the cardiac apex, in the left lateral
position with the bell of the stethoscope.
4 - The Fourth Heart Sound is also best heard with the bell of the stethoscope at the
cardiac apex (left heart origin S4) or tricuspid area (right heart origin S4).
5 - During Systole we can hear systolic ejection sounds (aortic or pulmonary stenosis),
nonejection mid- to late- systolic clicks (prolapse, extracardiac) and also pansystolic (mitral or tricuspid regurgitations or VSD-ventricular septal defect) murmurs. {mosgoogle}
6 - In Diastole we may hear opening snaps (mitral or tricuspid stenosis), early diastolic
murmurs (aortic regurgitation), mid diastolic murmurs (mitral or tricuspid stenosis).
7 - Frequently, but not always,the double and triple murmurs are due to combined
valvular lesions. The pericardial friction rub is usually triple-phased, with a characteristic
scratching quality.
8 - Continuous murmurs begin in systole and continue into the diastole, without interruption through the timing of second heart sound. They are due to arteriovenous shunts (classically described in PDA - patent ductus arteriosus) and venous hum.
9 - The major areas of auscultation (mitral at the apex, tricuspid, pulmonary and aortic
areas) indicate zones where the cardiac sounds and murmurs are best heard, but do not ignore to auscultate all around the thorax. Especially remember to auscultate over the carotid arteries in the neck.
10- More information is obtained by studying the appearance or change of sounds and
murmurs by appropriate postural, respiratory and functional changes (Valsalva, exercise, handgrip, amyl nitrite inhalation, etc). This is called dynamic auscultation.
important step of cardiac auscultation.
2 - The Second Heart Sound must be analyzed with the diaphragm of the stethoscope at the pulmonary area where the two components of this sound are best identified. Points to note are its variations with different phases of respiration and splitting.
3 - The Third Heart Sound is usually best heard at the cardiac apex, in the left lateral
position with the bell of the stethoscope.
4 - The Fourth Heart Sound is also best heard with the bell of the stethoscope at the
cardiac apex (left heart origin S4) or tricuspid area (right heart origin S4).
5 - During Systole we can hear systolic ejection sounds (aortic or pulmonary stenosis),
nonejection mid- to late- systolic clicks (prolapse, extracardiac) and also pansystolic (mitral or tricuspid regurgitations or VSD-ventricular septal defect) murmurs. {mosgoogle}
6 - In Diastole we may hear opening snaps (mitral or tricuspid stenosis), early diastolic
murmurs (aortic regurgitation), mid diastolic murmurs (mitral or tricuspid stenosis).
7 - Frequently, but not always,the double and triple murmurs are due to combined
valvular lesions. The pericardial friction rub is usually triple-phased, with a characteristic
scratching quality.
8 - Continuous murmurs begin in systole and continue into the diastole, without interruption through the timing of second heart sound. They are due to arteriovenous shunts (classically described in PDA - patent ductus arteriosus) and venous hum.
9 - The major areas of auscultation (mitral at the apex, tricuspid, pulmonary and aortic
areas) indicate zones where the cardiac sounds and murmurs are best heard, but do not ignore to auscultate all around the thorax. Especially remember to auscultate over the carotid arteries in the neck.
10- More information is obtained by studying the appearance or change of sounds and
murmurs by appropriate postural, respiratory and functional changes (Valsalva, exercise, handgrip, amyl nitrite inhalation, etc). This is called dynamic auscultation.
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