22 Juli 2012


Kamalia Halid, Iswanto Pratanu

Silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) is an objective documented ischemia in the absence of chest discomfort or other angina equivalents and is major component of the total ischemic burden for patient with ischemic heart disease. It is estimated that between 2 and 3 million persons with stable CAD have evidence of silent ischemia. Contributing to this statistic is the observation that the majority of myocardial ischemic episodes are silent, indicating an inability or failure to sense ischemic damage or stress an the heart. Although many diagnostic tools have been used to identify, their use is limited by modest sensitivities and spesificities. Management SMI with anti-ischemic drug therapy or revascularization reduced the long-term risk of major cardiac events based on some clinical evidenced. Future studied aimed at improving the management of silent ischemia in the population is warranted to make better prognosis.

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